Thursday, May 21, 2015

Event 1: Infinity Structures: Paradoxical Spaces by Robert Gero

            For my first event, I attended the opening of Robert Gero's exhibition on Infinity Structures on May 21, 2015. This exhibition was particularly interesting with regards to the subject of mathematics and art since the theory behind the piece involved "structures whose internal dimensions exceeded its external ones." (Gero, 2015) I found this idea fascinating in that it is basically impossible for humans to visualize anything beyond the three dimensions we currently live in. I thought Mr. Gero did a good job of trying to explain his thought behind representing other dimensions in the video below.
Robert Gero explains his representation of dimensions beyond the 3rd

            The idea behind this piece seems very counter-intuitive yet somehow possible. An infinity structure is a structure with a stable outside that does not expand yet has an infinite number of dimensions and space inside. In the piece this is achieved by combining sound, static objects, and moving objects accomplished through the projection of video. I loved the idea of this exhibition and think that it may well be true that the next thinkg to be unlocked to advance art is the representation of further dimensions.
            As a piece of artwork I found this exhibition particularly interesting in that a central idea behind it was the idea that the experience of the piece was different depending on the position/perspective of the viewer within in the room. This is illustrated by the 2 different videos shown below looking at the same place in the piece, but from different points in the room.

 View one of a certain point

       View two of the same point

          A unique feature of the piece that I thought was particularly well done for how last-minute Mr. Gero made it seem was the pillows added throughout the exhibition. The way the artist described it, he typically adds elements from the area his pieces are exhibited in and these pillows just happened to be in a back room. I think the darker pillows contrasting with the white space and styrofoam elements creates points of reference throughout the room so that a viewer can constantly compare his/her point of view within the piece.

 Ordinary pillow used in the exhibition

Verification of my attendance at the exhibition

Works Cited

Gero, Robert. "Infinity Structures: Paradoxical Spaces by Robert Gero." Exhibition. UCLA Art|Sci Gallery 5th Floor, CNSI | California Nanosystems Institute, Los Angeles. 21 May 2015. Lecture.

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